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The Landing Landmark: The Norfolk Pine

July 17 2018

This historic tree has stood tall for two centuries.

One of the most visible landmarks at The Landing is the 150-foot tall Norfolk Pine that stands on the hill below the Cooper Residence, overlooking the harbour towards Cape Brett. It’s one of three large Norfolk Pines on the property; a smaller pine that grows atop the hill above the Gabriel Residence is also well-known in the area as a navigational landmark for ships in the harbour.

Local lore has it that the Norfolk Pine below the Cooper Residence was planted more than 200 years ago, in 1817, to mark the birth of Hannah King Hansen, the first European child to be born and live permanently in New Zealand. Hannah was the oldest of 11 children born to Thomas and Elizabeth Hansen, the first European settlers on the land.

Planting pines to mark births has become something of a local tradition since then, with another of The Landing’s pines planted to mark the birth of the daughter of the previous owner of the property.